
Hi, this page is here for me to distribute information and software I have developed over the years etc. There isn't much to see, nor is it nice to look at. Enjoy

Contact Details

Mathew McKernan
Email: website@mmckernan.id.au


Fire Weather Monitor

This was a project I began as a Volunteer in the Country Fire Authority. I identified the need to easy recieve weather warnings and fire weather alerts as they occured. It is possible to sign up for a service with the BOM but I found it expensive and needed a fax to operate. With so many reports being sent out, it meant lots of wasted paper etc. This tool monitors the site for the specific warnings you are interested in (e.g. A Tsunami Warning is not interesting to a Fire Fighter, but a Total Fire Ban is). It can also print reports when needed and also sound a tone on your computer.

It is also pretty cool in that it shows the current weather radar for the particular radar site you choose.

Fire Weather Monitor

BP Ramblers Badge - Cup Weekend 2010

As part of my BP Ramblers Badge, I am completing a 4WD Trek through the High Country of Victoria and into the Snowy Mountains of NSW. Below is a copy of all of the plans for the activity along with some marked up maps for the trip. As more information comes to hand, this will be listed on this page.

Ramble Information